My life has been an amazing journey! God is so good! I am learning to dream with God and to dream big because He wants us to have it all! He puts dreams and desires in our hearts and we just need to go for it. We are called to change the course of history. We were born to see impossibility bow to the name of Jesus. My dream is to run after God and to live outside of the box. I want to see people come into their identity in Christ because once that happens you are never the same. I am a testimony to that! It only takes one encounter with the love of God and everything changes!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Its Hot!!!

It was 110 degrees here in Redding today!!!! Too hot!!!!  I work at a preschool so we kept the children inside today and we will probably be inside for the rest of the week!!! 

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I Love home!!! I love my family and treasure my time with them. I miss my family being that I am living in Redding, California right now which is all the way across the U.S. I will be heading back to Redding  in a couple of days and hate to see this visit come to an end. We always have such fun shopping, swimming, playing games, just hanging out.....etc  I am so grateful to God for my family!  I am thankful to be in a family who loves God whole heartily and runs after Him for all its worth. There truly is no place like home!

Monday, June 9, 2008

My New Apartment

I just moved into my new apartment!!! Yay!!! I decided to move so that I could be closer into town which will save on gas being that I paid $4.35 a gallon the other day! I am also closer to work and to church. I will be living with three other great women. My roomate Laura and I moved in and the other girls will be here in July!!! It will be a full house!!!

My Room!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I did it!!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone!! It was truly life changing!!! I have gotton so much vision for my life this year!! God is so good !!!!
My Family sent me flowers!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Princess Party

2nd year is ending and this has been a week of celebration. We had a princess party which was a formal for the girls in 2nd year. It was put on by a couple in the church. We had a seven Course meal and the guys in our class came and served us princess's!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Australia 2008

I had an amazing time in Australia!!! We saw over 500 healings and Miracles!! There were 189 healings in the meeting on the last night. God is so good!! A big thanks to everyone praying for me while I was in Australia. I adjusted well to the time change and was able to keep up with the busy schedule and I know this was due to everyone praying!!! I am excited about all that God did in me and through me over the last ten days!!! I am glad to be home!!

The Church in Perth

All of these people got healed and are giving their testimony!!! Most were healed before we even prayed!

Tour of Perth

The Team!!! On the beach in Perth right before a wave hit and soaked us!!!
We Stayed with Bec who is the youth pastor at the church!!

The Church in Sydney

The Church we were at in Sydney was Dayspring. It was a really awesome church!! We did a leaders advance as well as a conference. We were here for about a week. We saw a lot of healings!! I prayed for a lady who had no sense of smell but now she does!!! Yeah God!! Pastor Bill spoke on Sunday morning and on Sunday evening they gave the team the meeting!!

Dayspring Church!!

Our host family: The girls stayed with this amazing couple. Mama Kathryn and Papa Brenn Hanging out with the school of ministry students from Dayspring!!!

Tour of Hillsong

Touring Sydney, Australia

Beautiful City!!

we went on a boat ride in the Harbor!
The Opera House

The team!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Leaving for Australia Tomorrow!!

Well, it's finally here I leave tomorrow! I probably will not be posting from Australia but will post about my trip when I get back!!! I will post lots of pictures of course!!! Please Keep me in your prayers over the next week and a half!! I know God has amazing things in store!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Got My Itenerary for Australia!

I leave three weeks from tomorrow! We have a pretty intense schedule but it will be fun! We do have some site seeing days planned! We will be at several different churches in Sidney and in Perth. I heard that Perth is very Beautiful. This is their first time going to Perth! Its is suppose to be a good time to shop because in Australia they are going into fall so all their summer clothes are on sale which works for us because we are headed into summer! I know God has amazing things in store for this trip!

Friday, February 29, 2008


This week is the prophetic art conference here at Bethel and Akiane is one of the speakers. Akiane is thirteen years old and is an amazing artist. Akiane has been painting since she was four years after having had a vision of God and heaven. Through this vision she got saved but her parents were still unsaved. Akiane began to have more encounters with God and she told her parents about them and they too got saved. Akiane's paintings come from what she sees when God encounters her and takes her on adventures. Akiane said she is up every morning at four and paints for five or six hours. Akiane also writes poetry. She is an amazing young girl with a heart after God. She said that she does what she does because she wants people to know God and His love. Kris Vallotton and Tracy Cooper interviewing Akiane!
This is one of Akiane's paintings! She said this one is her favorite one!
Its called "A Mother's Love"

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Heidi Baker

Heidi Baker came to speak in class on Tuesday! Heidi and her husband Rolland are missionaries to Mozambique. They are the directors of IRIS Ministries a mission to orphans and abandoned children. Heidi is a carrier of the love of God and His presence is intense when she walks in the room. I was totally captivated by His love! My favorite testimony she gave was when they were handing out Christmas gifts to the kids in Mozambique and she asked these girls what they wanted and they asked for beads. Now, the lady passing out the gifts asked Heidi "What are you doing we only have stuffed animals in the bag." Heidi replied "I think God would ask them what they want because He cares about our hearts desires" When the lady turned back to the bag the bag was full of beads. What an Awesome Christmas!!! I love this testimony because it expresses God's love and expresses that what is important to us is important to Him. He loves to put a smile on our face!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Wow! I am going to Australia! I am so excited! In second year we have the privilege of traveling with the Pastors as part of the ministry team. Earlier this year they gave us a list of trips and shortly after I had a dream that I was on an airplane with Pastor Bill headed to Australia. After having this dream I applied for the trip and I was chosen to be part of the team going to Australia. The only thing I needed was the money so I sent out support letters and my trip is paid for,Yeah God!!! I am really excited to see what God is going to do in me and through me on this trip! Its going to be amazing! God is so Good!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets is the Speaker for Jesus Culture (youth conference) this year. We had the privilege of having him speak in class yesterday and it was Amazing!!! He talked about wisdom and revelation and that you can't just have wisdom you have to have the revelation of what God is doing. He said that the Spirit of wisdom and revelation is key in any type of ministry. He said we need to live on the floor of wisdom and in the room of revelation! I went to hear him speak again at the conference last night and he spoke about how we are getting ready to experience the greatest awakening in all of history. He encouraged us to pray for our Cities, our schools, and our friends and families. Its the greatest most exciting time in history!!!! So exciting!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Snow Day!!!

Yes, its actually snowing! I don't know how much will actually stick but it is enough for a snow day!! I went to work and was on my way to class to find out it was cancelled due to the weather. As much as I love class its nice to have a day to rest and get homework done. Currently, we are getting more rain than snow but maybe it will snow more later. Its not enough to play and I want to play! My roomate and I had just said last night before bed that a snow day would be nice and Jesus loves the desires of our heart. Yeah God!!! and Yeah Snow Day!!!